Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why Scott didn't want a girl

Ellie is feeling way better after her antibiotic shots. She is officially an eating machine and I can't keep her tummy full.  She goes to bed asking for more food and wakes up asking for nom noms.  She even says "hungry."  After being fed a 10 course meal, she is so happy she just squeals away. When we found out we were having a girl, Scott said his ears were not looking forward to this part.


  1. Too cute!! Ellie thinks she is just hilarious (which she is!) Nothing better than a baby (toddler) laugh :)

  2. I love it! I think her feet are as big as mine now.

  3. Odie doesn't mind - Boopie is looking @ the PC - "Where is that noise coming from?"
