Our smallish house has been overtaken with Ellie toys. She loves her exersaucer and jumperoo, though cant rotate in either very well. She can barely touch the bottom with her tip toes.
We had a rough week with her first cold. I'm not sure who started it, but Scott, myself, and Ellie have passed back and forth some kind of crud over the last few weeks. One night was pretty bad and Ellie had to sleep in her car seat in our room in order to breath.

She is still very cute and smiley! She's mixing vowels and consonants. Sometimes it sounds like she says "ut-oh" and "ma-no!" She also roars at us and loves it when we roar back at her. She wants to stand (supported) but isn't very close to sitting on her own yet. We've been having some sleep issues, but last night was great. 11ish hours in a row! We haven't gone more than 5 in a long time. In a few short days, she'll turn 6 months! It is sooo sad!

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