Wowzers, I can't keep up with this thing anymore. Apologies to my faithful readers, whoever you are! I hate to disappoint. I can't believe my baby turned 6 months on the 13th. She is just so much fun. Her new trick is rolling across the floor, landing on the wood section, and ending with a scream. She doesn't do this very often and is very content to lay on her back playing with toys. She's not sitting up yet, but i think it is more that she chooses not to. =) She also makes a cute new pucker/fishy face, and says BOB BOB BOB while sucking in her lips. She loves her jumperoo and takes baby hops while playing with toys. We aren't supposed to start solids (except cereal) until the next doctors appointment which is in two days, but this last week I started feeding her baby apples and pears. Shhhh, don't tell! I think she liked them. She's pretty into her rice cereal. I tried to sneak some baby oatmeal as a replacement, but she spits that right back at me.
You can really see her bottom teeth here:

We had THE BEST weekend. On Saturday, Scott and I went to see Brad Paisley. He is so wonderful, I think I have a crush! Not bad to look at - dorky, hot, and talented! I think he's short though. He puts on an amazing show! We also saw Miranda Lambert. I'm not as familiar with her music, so I was surprised when I recognized most of her songs. The opening to the opening act was Justin Moore, but we missed him because we had poopy service for dinner. Oh well.


On Sunday, we had Ellie's dedication at Mars. It was a really nice service, but in typical Scott/Rachel fashion, we got to the part where we had to read the covenant we wrote and Scott digs into his pockets and comes out empty handed. I panicked, but he ran out into the coat room area and came back lightning fast. Thankfully it was in his coat pocket. Whew! After the service, we hung out at our house and had cake and snacks. Ellie just loves watching her cousins goof around.
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