So my mommy is up in Traverses City and my daddy is in the other room eating his guacamole and yelling at the TV because he can't watch the tiger's game. So I figured this would be the perfect time to sneak on here and just talk about my fun day with daddy! I helped him write a lot of captions on the photos of our afternoon together that is posted on FB! That took a while! You should check them out since there will be a all the photos seen here and many more! Anyways, back to today! It started early at 7am! He usually make mommy get up with me on the weekends, so I figured I better not let him sleep in much when it is his turn to get up! He made me a breakfast that was super yummy and then we got to play! He helped me stack blocks and knock them over, made animal sound for my squeezey toys and helped me pet Odie "gentle"! My favorite was daddy jungle gym! He would lift me up high, turn me upside down and let me crawl all over him! After my 2nd breakfast, or snack as some would say, he let me play daddy jungle gym again! I pushed my stroller around some too, but it wasn't as fun! Then a big lunch! I made a huge mess! Daddy gave me lots of food including some tasty veggies in a pasta sauce that mommy put together! It was so good! Daddy should have taken my white long sleeved shirt off first, or at least rolled up my sleeves! It just doesn't taste as good off a spoon so I had to pick it up from my tray! It is the only way to eat it! Oh, bread dipped in the sauce was good too! So 1/2 of the part of sleeve that cover my forearms turn a LOT biggie! I just dropped another present off for him so it was a good time to change me anyways! Daddy jungle gym really wore me out, so I took a great 2 hour nap!! It was wonderful! When I woke up daddy took Odie and me on a fun walk. He finally decided it was a good idea to take some pictures!! It didn't take long for us to spot a deer! It was cute and made me laugh!
Eventually I got tired of that and figured I better pitch in an help! Well, actually Odie gave me the ideas since he was so kind to clean my hands up after dinner! So I took to cleaning the table, bakers rake, the floors and even Odie! Although he didn't like that much. :( So back to the stroller where I made my 3rd surprise of the day for daddy and he made me a bath! Ha ha!
I didn't care much though because I saw daddy make me a bottle! MMMMMMM!!! Bottle!!! He made me run for it though! It so worth it in the end! They are so tasty! I was surprised he actually let me have it when I caught up to him. He usually just picks me up and then I have to set on his lap in the chair as he give me the bottle. I was so confuse though when I just got the bottle and he didn't pick me up! I didn't know what to do! I just walked over to the chair and waited to see what he would do!
I like that he rocks it as I drink my bottle and towers the end he'll hold it so I can get more sleepy! He eventually put the camera down and picked me! He could have been a little fast! Anyways, that brings me to were I am now! I just finished the bottle and he laid me down to sleep. I just waited a few minutes and hope out of my crib and I'm here on the computer now! I hope you guys enjoyed reading about my day! I know it is different from what my mommy writes most of the time, but I'm only 14 almost 15 months old so cut me some slack! :) Good night!
Ellie, You are so smart and very good at details. I can see why mommy and daddy love to post things about all your adventures you have. Keep up the writting, you might have a future @ it. It was great reading about your day. I hope mommy comes home soon, but until then enjoy Daddy Jungle Gym!!!