Thursday, May 6, 2010


At 10 months Ellie...


Waves enthusiastically, not scared to use both arms.

Eats a lot. New favorite = cheesy toast, but this scares mom because she's not the best chewer and stuffs way too much food in her mouth.

Yells at her mom for not feeding her fast enough.

Rolls a ball back to me and claps as soon as she lets go.

Does "SO BIG" and claps her hands if you tell her "Patty Cake."

Starting to enjoy books. Likes the monkey banana book and dislikes the Bible.

Loves songs especially Pussy Cat Dolls - "Buttons," dislikes "found a peanut."

Lifts arms to be picked up and then pushes me away as soon as i have her in my grasp.

Likes piggy goes to market, but i have to bite her feet to keep her interested.

Digging the itsy bitsy spider.

Loves it when my dad counts to her.

Rides Odie and laughs.

Likes it at first when Odie sits on her, dislikes it after 2 seconds.

Laughs when I cry.

Finally crawling! Watch out world.


  1. The video of Ellie crawling is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love all her little noises! - Katie

  2. My friend Carlie and I think you should enter this video in a contest! Soooo cute!!! Did I mention she is my niece?1?
