Ellie had her two month checkup on Wednesday. She's now 12.5 lbs and 23.5" (both 80% percentile) but her head circumference fell to 46%. The doctor answered my slew of questions (I've been making a list all month) without making me feel like an extreme worrier. She also received another set of shots. She didn't care for that and screamed quite a bit in the office and was fussy for a few days. Now she's back to her smiling self. Over the last week and a half, she's been talking and cooing quite a bit. It is so fun to have little googly conversations with her. She's still sleeping through the night and enjoys watching Top Model, holding our fingers, eating her hand, watching the Tigers potentially screw up the division, and looking at the ceiling fan. She laughs out loud at the ceiling fan, but not at my jokes (yet). She LOVES being sung to and has inspired me to write and perform the "Ellie-O" song on a daily basis. In preparation of me going back to work way too soon, we tried to give her some formula. She gagged and made all of these horrifying faces. Actually pretty cute. Last night she went to grandma's for the evening while Scott and I went to my cousin's wedding and took a soak at Oasis. It was a gorgeous night and the cool rain mixed with the warm hot tub was the perfect ending to the week!
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