Scott went back to work full time this week. We survived, but missed him dearly. The days pretty much flew by with constant feedings, poo-ing, diaper changes, and naps. Maybe next week we'll be more adventurous and get out of the house a little bit more.
In other news:
- Ellie has been giving us a 4 hour sleep stretch at night. Thank you very much Fisher Price Rainforest Soother!
- Odie is feeling better. Thanks to Aunt Becky for coming over to play with him in the yard. He's now eating his meals with gusto.
- I have ankles again. I'm hoping my shoes and rings fit soon.
- We're looking forward to the arrival of more babies! BZ Kurtz needs to get his baby bum here and play with Ellie. Hopefully just a few more weeks!
- I did two whole sit-ups yesterday! At least I've been walking pretty much every day. The rest will come later.

I'm glad Odie's eating with gusto again! I hope your time at home is going well. Miss you! xoxo