- I'd be so lonely if you weren't my mommy
- Coversation
- E: Do you want to play chest with me?
- M: You mean Chess?
- E: Yes
- M: I'll have to learn how to play
- E: You just need to read the construction :)
- I want you to grow small so you can fit in my bed and take a nap with me
- You need to shave your legs everytime you shower mommy. Ouch
At 20 months, her vocabulary has exploded. I can't even begin to list her words. She loves to sing ABCs and Wheels on the bus. It is amazing how many words of the song I can actually understand. She understands so much of what we say to her too too. Here is just a small sampling of her words;
Mom, Dad, Paci, Ut-Oh, TV - Jake!, night night, scuse me, Ellie, Kyla, Odie, Get down Odie, Mine, No, Yah Yah (with exciting head nod), pizza, pancakes, milk, yum, cookie, book, kiss, good girl, hug, aww