Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hello! Well, it has been a long long time. I'm going to try to do some catching up over the next few weeks so we'll see how it goes. Baby steps. One day at a time. Now time to transport back to the late summer...

It was a very difficult 8 months for us after Scott's surgery. We didn't do much of anything fun over the summer, but on one of the last nice days, and one of the last days before Scott returning to work, I drug the fam to the beach!  We picked up up some chicken on the way and ate right on the beach. It was somewhere in the 70s so I didn't plan on swimming, but Ellie had other plans before we left. Good thing I brought a change of clothes! Kyla really enjoyed eating the sand and crawling all over the place. I only took a few pictures pre-dip in the chilly lake.  The sand was whipping all over and I didn't want to ruin the camera.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stats N Stuff

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Ellie's 3 year and Kyla's 9 month checkup.

Ellie: 37.5" (53%) and 28 lbs 8 oz (25%). She has leveled off and is no longer extremely tall! At least for the moment.  She had fun talking to the pediatrician about her little sister. She actually wants to be a doctor some day. At least as much as a 3 year old can have a career ambition. She enjoys her doc coat and toy shots/instruments and taking care of those around her. She is still the night wrecker.

Kyla: 29.25" (94%) and 18 lbs 4 oz (50%). She is a long and lean lady but tough. She laughed at her shots. She has been keeping herself and me very busy with crawling, pulling up, standing (just needs one hand to hold onto something) and just started cruising. She also likes to push things and walk behind them. She is into EVERYTHING and has no fear. She enjoys eating all her veggies and now likes a few select fruits. She is also eating some table food like cheerios, puffs, cheese, toast, etc.  She also loves pulling hair. She has no hair except one random 4" strand in the middle of her head.  Adorable

Me: 5'11" and XXX.XX lbs. Still waiting for Scott to feel better. Hopefully he'll be back to work Oct 1. This has been one of those years that I would sort of like to forget, but there has also been lots of cuteness with the kids, so the good is still outweighing the bad.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ellie-isms are my favorite

Listen to the words of the wise

Mom: "Do you want some of my hummus?"
Ellie: "No, it tastes like bad ice cream."

Shaking her bum naked in front of the mirror after her bath...
Ellie: "I look like Aunt Joy."

One morning's random statement
Ellie: "Mommy I love you. I don't have any socks."

Mom: "Daddy is my husband."
Ellie: "No, Daddy is my favorite boy."

Background: We've been doing a lot of counting to 3 to inspire action, but she used it against us.
Ellie: "1, 2, 3 give me chocolate."

 Ellie: "Mommy, your tummy is so big."
Mom: "Thanks Ellie. Do you think there is a little brother for you in there?" (not pregnant just to clarify)
Ellie: "Nope, it is just a cookie."

While getting ready for preschool one morning
Ellie:"Ellie is cute. Mommy is cute. Kyla is cute. Daddy is a big boy."

I can't believe in just three short days my little BABY will be THREE. She has added so much spice to our lives. We should have known based on my long, hard labor, and her demeanor in the hospital (they refused to keep her in the nursery because she just screamed and screamed all night) that we might be in for a wild ride. It really has been crazy, but she brings so much joy to us on a daily basis, even with her constant testing! xoxoxox

Renesmee - 8 months

Renesmee Kyla is busy busy busy. She scoots everywhere. Traditional crawling just doesn't get her to where she wants to go fast enough. She goes from crawling to sitting and just started pulling up. She babbles and we've heard tons of dadas, tons of kay-laaahs, one momma, and one hi.  She enthusiastically waves both arms and smiles all the time.  She does not like to cuddle, but likes to be held so she can get a better view of the world around her. She likes to bite my arm and shoulder. HARD. She also crawls after me and tries to bite my feet. I've learned to run. FAST. Her favorite movie is Breaking Dawn. She doesn't like to be rocked to sleep, but still rocks her snowsuit in bed. She typically wakes up once per night, but on rough nights three times isn't too surprising. We love her so much and can't believe how fast she has grown!
I vant to bite your feet!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kyla! 6, 7, 7.5 months

Things have been crazy town over here! Scott had spinal fusion surgery back in April so I've had my hands full to say the least. On the bright side, it has been great to have Scott around after his really long work hours since Kyla was born.

Kyla is such a little ham loaf. She smiles and laughs all the time! Here are some things she's been up to:

  • Started sitting (6 months)
  • Started crawling (7 months, army style)
  • Started solids (loves veggies, doesn't like fruits)
  • Self feeds puffs

She watches her momma like a hawk and when I go out of site she starts whimpering.

Her 6 month stats were 16 lbs (49%) 27" (87%). She is long and skinny! She has a really good appetite so we're hopeful she is a little better eater than her sister but only time will tell.  She still has some issues with dairy so dairy for momma has been very limited. I'm been having lots o' fun experimenting with vegan recipes. I did break down and get some Dairy Dip tonight though. It is summer after all.

Well, gotta run! No promises for future updates but I will try! Lots of photos and videos to post but our computer crashed so my video editing software is no longer with us. Also, blogger doesn't work on my laptop so I need to sneak downstairs if I want to post which would mean the kids are sleeping and I'm awake which doesn't really happen at the same time.

An interview with an Ellie

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ellie speaks again

I have been MIA in blog-land for awhile but that doesn't mean my stinker has been quiet. Here are some gems from the last month or two. May not be appropriate for all ages...

Mommy: What are you doing in the trash?
Ellie: I'm lookin for Oscar (the grouch of course)
Daddy's going to get some
(No idea where she was going with that one)
I getta new baby sister at meijer
Mommy: What time is it?
Ellie: Playing time
Mommy: No, it's put your toys away time
Ellie: No, it's running time (as running away)
I have a who ha and a butt
Comes up to me and says "Hiiiiii Rachy"
I need a tissue. My boogies falling out. See?
Mommy: Did you try some green pepper?
Ellie: It don't taste good. It's nasty.
I love pancakes in my mouth.
(Going potty with arms high in the air)
Mommy: What are you doing?
Ellie: I do yoga on the potty
I toot a lollipot out my butt
(Walking past me as i pump)
Mmmmm smells like baby milk
(When I told her no about something she wanted to do)
Mommy, you are SO naughty. Get in time out!
(Arguing about whether or not she can have juice)
Mommy: You can have milk cuz I’m the mommy
Ellie: NO Juice and my name is Ellie

My songstress

This lady is extremely talented. I don't think American Idol will still be around when she is eligible but we'll figure out something else.

Showcasing another power ballad...

Extreme Roller

Here is a video of Kyla rolling over. There is a sweet surprise halfway through. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kyla - 4 months!

Our bald beauty is 4 months old! She is 25.5" (89%) and 14.5 lbs (70%). Long and skinny, just like her sister! Here are a few things she has been up to.
  • Working on lots of teeth. Her two bottom broke through right at 3 months.
  • Lots of smiles. All the time.
  • Laughs. Especially at her big sister when Ellie jumps around all over the house or touches Kyla's feet.
  • Cries at grandma B (sorry mom!)
  • Slightly enjoying tummy time more. She'll hang out for a few minutes before flipping back over or fussing.
  • Rolls over both ways
  • Likes to stand supported
  • GREAT sleeper. 8-12 hours per night FOR NOW. Tonight may be another story.
  • Likes her exersaucer
I have a feeling this one is going to be on the move much earlier than her sister. Kyla was pretty quick to roll over and she even tries to scoot forward while on her tummy. Sometimes she gets up on her knees, pushes, and face plants across the floor. She is such a little joy though. So happy and smiley and easy going... Except for with my mom (haha mom). We just love her to pieces!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kyla - 3.5 months

We can't believe our baby is 3.5 months!  She is such a good little (big) baby. Happy - cheerful - always smiling! We are at a really good place where Ellie is mostly loving having a sister and Kyla is happy hanging out watching the world go by and not needing to be held all of the time. I have time to occasionally breath! Unlike her sister at this age, Kyla is always smiling which make my second job as a momtographer very easy. I used to spend all day trying to get Ellie to smile and hold it long enough to just get ONE decent photograph. I can accomplish the same task in 2 minutes with Kyla. I'm going to have a lot of fun with outdoor photoshoots this spring!  Here are some super interesting facts about Kyla right now :)
  • Very long (wears some 6 month clothes but 9 month fits her best)
  • Likes tummy time more and more every day
  • Loves watching her big sister
  • ALWAYS smiling
  • Already has her two bottom teeth
  • Chats a lot - mostly happy squeels
  • Laughs very hard while giving eskimo kisses
  • Almost rolling over front to back
  • Loves sitting and looking around
  • Likes to stand
  • Eats lots of small, frequent meals during the day
  • Still takes short naps (20-40 min) during the day

Sunday, January 29, 2012


My goal was write my Christmas post sometime in January... YES!!!

Christmas was SO FUN this year. With Ellie almost being 2.5 years old, she had a blast and it was exciting to experience the magic through her.

And it was great to have a new baby to snuggle!

The fun started with Ellie's Christmas program for daycare. Here is a clip:

The week before Christmas we went to Scott's brother's house. The food was great and the cousins had a lot of fun playing with each other.

Then his extended side the next day. There were so many kiddos running around it hurt to watch them.

The night before Christmas eve, we went to Nite Lites. Ellie really enjoyed them but Kyla cried the whole time.  The next morning she was jumping in her bed asking to see more lights and talking about all of the things she saw lit up the previous night.  Nothing like elves riding on dinosaurs to get you into the Christmas spirit.  By this point she was really into Christmas music and would ask for it whenever we got in the car or when I turned on any music in the house.  She loved Jingle Bells.

On Christmas day we were supposed to go to my parents house but my dad was still recovering from the stomach flu.  We stayed at home and had a leisurely breakfast of french toast and omelet casserole.  Ellie opened her stocking gifts and presents under the tree from Santa. Her favorite gift was for baby Kyla - an alphabet caterpillar.  Good thing the baby is good at sharing right now. She actually slept through the whole event.  The rest of the day we enjoyed family time and relaxed.

The day after Christmas we braved my parents house.  We had a feast of fondue, opened gifts, ate some more, and relaxed a bit.

A few days later Scott got sick so he ended up only working one day the week between Christmas and New Years.  It was nice to have him home but it was under bad circumstances.

His birthday was on Friday and we took Ellie to daycare as one of his gifts =)  Then we took Kyla out for lunch at Noodles and tried to do a little shopping but she wasn't being cooperative. It was crazy busy anyway so we weren't too disappointed to get out in the mess. At least we had a nice lunch!

On New Years Eve, we headed to a friends house with the kids.  The kiddos played for a few hours and then we had dinner and put them to bed. Surprisingly, they were all asleep around 9 and the big kids could play some games and hang out.  We all played a new game called "The Game of Things" and laughed so hard we cried. 

It was a great end to 2011!

2.5 years

Time is flying by! Here is what our crazy little lady has been up to at 2.5 years:
  • Moved up to preschool at daycare
  • Obsessed with mustaches. Likes to put stickers over her lip.
  • Fully potty trained
  • Loves books
  • Seems sweet and quiet around new people, but don't mess with her (take her toys)
  • Speaks her mind
  • Negotiates how many minutes left until nap time
  • Negotiates how many m&ms she gets for going poop
  • Likes to poke her sister and tries to sit on her
  • Has to wear socks on her hands to go to bed
  • Changes her clothes multiple times per day
  • Full on conversations like this:
Mom: Ellie, what did you do at school today?
Ellie:  Umm, I colored. I put glue on paper. I take glitter and shake it shake shake it.

Mom: What else?
Ellie: I ride my bike. Oh and I go poopy on the potty. A BIG one too.

Mom: Wow, nice, what did you have for lunch?
Ellie: Umm, cheerios and pop (I sure hope not). Oh, and beans and peaches.

We love our happy funny little girl!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby talk

Kyla is 2 months!
She is 24" (94%)
12.5 lbs (86%)

She loves to smile and coo! She'll go on and on for about a half hour. I tried to get some clips of it today but she was mostly concerned with staring at the shiny silver camera.