We let Ellie sleep until 7:30 today. Maybe that should be SHE let US sleep in today. Dad took the day off of work and I don't work Tuesdays (slacker!) and we had a great day starting off with pancakes! Ellie ate two pancakes, a bowl of cheerios, and a bunch of grapes. She was a hungry girl! Then we had a blowout that required a complete change of outfit. Next we all played together and Ellie opened her gifts from us.
She got an activity table, musical penguin, and a bucket seat swing. She cried while opening the gifts, but seemed to like them once they were open! We played some more and then she took a nice little nap.
Dad and I worked on weeding and putting up the swing. After she got up from nap time, she ate a grilled cheese and then had diaper blowout #2, thankfully only needing a change of pants. Then we went to the zoo. She seemed to like it and laughed and pointed at many things.
We're not really sure if she really liked the animals or if she liked looking at the people and waterfalls. Her favorite was the pelicans. She was laughing out loud at those silly birds.
Her second favorite part was getting a sip of slushee. Whoa-brain freeze!
After about two hours, we all had enough and started the trek back home. We made a quick stop at party city on the way to pick up some more decorations for her family party on Sunday. I wasn't sure how she would do because we skipped nap #2, but she did great in the store. She sang la-la and danced to the corny music they were playing and pointed at all of the fun decorations. After we got home, it was dinner time. We tried sweet potatoes, yogurt, and cheese. She liked the cheese, but didn't want anything else so she had a few saltine crackers. Then she got the best treat of all - dairy dip!
Next, she tried out the bucket seat swing. She loved it! She is ready for her friends to come over and swing next to her.
Then she had a bath and bottle and passed out before the bottle was over. Happy birthday sweet girl! We love you!